Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Lesson Plan 2 & 2nd Concept Map

Hope you all had a good spring break!

Just wondering if either of you have had a chance to look into the "data collection" lesson plan?  This should be interesting to relate to our project, do any of you have ideas?  I just started brainstorming and have the following:

Also, the "revised" concept map I think we have a few things each of us could add and expand onto the original.  How would you all like to compile that information?  I can update and re-submit this if you would like, just let me know.



  1. Hello!

    Under your the following: nothing appears :/

    Someone could collect data on favorite plays, plays they have seen or that they have never seen one before,....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wait, just kidding my ideas dont go along with the concept map

  4. I guess we can each do a data collection from the same area we chose for our first lesson plans, yeah?

  5. I sent out a new google doc to communicate

  6. I think this data collection topic could be kind of tricky with our topic.

  7. I was thinking about possibly collecting data on playwrights from the past, for example, the time period it took for a play to be written, where and when (as far as time in history) were the majority of the plays written, and what kind of people, commoners or royalty attended plays? I am going to start on where and when were the majority of plays written? Otherwise, I feel I wont have enough data to collect on my topic from lesson plan one. Did I understand the directions correctly, it can be anything from our concept map???

  8. I think it needs to be data for students to collect like within the classroom..

  9. It really helps to print out her instructions and follow it step by step because there is a lot going on. Thats just what I have found to help with the process.

  10. Morning,
    The one "data collection" I have thought of that would be easy to relate would be related to determining story choice (what play they would like to put on).
    Please let me know if that crosses any of your ideas and I can work on something else. I was thinking of having the students do a poll in our class along with other classes in their grade and amongst other grades to see what students would like to see.
    Let me know though if either of you are already working on something similar to this and I will find something else. Thanks!

  11. Chelsea and Meredith I just wanted to check to make sure my lesson above about choosing a play topic doesn't overlap with any of yours? I've started working on mine since I hadn't seen anything otherwise but just wanted to make sure before I submitted it to the teacher? Thanks!
