Sunday, April 5, 2015

Team Website

Since I was behind on the last assignment, thought I would get a jumpstart on the next one.  I've listed out all of the things we need to do for the web site and figured the ones that would just need to be completed by 1 person we could each volunteer for.  If you guys would like to handle in another way please let me know I am completely open to suggestions.

What is needed:
1) sign-up for a team account - let me know if anyone has done so otherwise I can do this immediately so it is one last thing for us to worry about and I will post the URL address once available.
2) final concept map - currently I am unable to open the file that was sent for the storyboard, but if it can be shared through another format or resent I can update the concept map to match the storyboard.
3) description of team web site - from our teacher:"Most of the projects created in this semester will be attached to our Team Web Site."  "Remember, the target for this web site is for teachers.  It will contain information and resources on how to implement project-based learning, walking students through the process of a specific project.  The web site should be developed in a clear, logical way with activities, examples, etc."  Mainly I got from this not to just list out our projects on our website but it needs to flow in a logical way that a teacher could follow.  I feel like this should be easy to meet as long as we follow the instructions.
4) items required that we have already completed
  • each lesson plan (1 and 2) - once this section is created on the web page each group member should be able to post their own following the directions.
  • each digital story - this could be done each individually, or if one of us would like to volunteer to put all three on here since they had to be posted on e-learning.  Let me know your thoughts on how you would like to post.
  • collaborative podcast - I'm not sure if it would be easier to have whomever submitted the final one to the teacher to do, but please share your thoughts.
  • link to collaborative blog (also needs a short description of what it is about) - anyone want to volunteer for this? If neither of you would like to do I can do this no problem.
  • web site evaluation (links of web sites review, description - "be sure that they placed within the descriptions on each page of the web site in appropriate places" - I am a little confused on this, I get that we need to list all of our web sites that we evaluated with an short description but are we supposed to make this a section of our website or determine what sections we should put each one on based off of what they are about?  What are your guys thoughts?
5) New Items Required:
  • opening page must contain standards the web site meets (Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations and ISTE: National Educational Technology Standards for Students: The Next Generation) - these standards are for the whole web site (not just lesson plans) I will volunteer to work on
  • each web page needs to contain an image - Who would like to work on this? (please note she does state they need appropriate copyright/ownership notices - you can "click on the link that Google Sites give you and use the web site where it was found by them.  You can cite the image by clicking on the image that you inserted into the page and changing the link to the URL where you found the image")
  • Navigational bar needs to be organized in the order it should be viewed - I feel like the mock one that Meredith posted in the previous blog was organized and in order sufficiently, but who would like to finalize and work on this?
  • use a common design throughout the web site, use the same font, font size, placement of the images, alignment of everything If we can just list what font, font size, placement, alignment here we can agree easily.
  • Western Michigan University logo, must appear at the bottom of the 1st page (not on any other pages) Who would like to do?
  • include the page that has the project your team has been working towards, what this semester has been leading up to - we have stated our general idea but I'm a little confused is this suppose to be a whole page on its own?  What are your guys thoughts?  Who would like to write this up formally?
  • at least 2 web pages per student member (6 minimum for us), this is to be determined from the storyboard so if we can get to view this we would then each need to state what 2 web pages we would like to work on
    • each web page must have 1-2 new items of information (description & links to 1-2 other web site with more information)
    • create one original item (lesson plan, podcast, etc.) - do you all know if this is different then "1-2 new items of information", I'm a little confused...?
    • each page must contain the name of the student that created it, a linked e-mail address (either team email or single team members email)
  • opening page: description of information found on web site (talk about project-based learning and the big project) who would like to do this? Since I am looking up the standards and that is to be posted on the opening page I can do this unless someone else would like too.
  • each team member must find at least 3 additional web sites (teaching resources, lesson plans, interactive web site resources - needs a description and plugged in appropriate places) individual work, but we should list here so we don't duplicate
  • REVISED COLLABORATIVE CONCEPT MAP - (PART B), must be posted on blog by 11:59 p.m. April 19th - since I already volunteered to do this earlier I will do this
  • POSTING URL FOR FINAL TEAM WEB SITE (can only be submitted for grading once) (PART C), must be complete and posted by 11:59 p.m. April 26th who would like to do this?

For a Key anything highlighted in:
YELLOW = someone needs to volunteer to work on
BLUE = individual work (some we may need to post on here so we don't duplicate one another)
GREEN = I have volunteered to do these items, unless someone else would like to do so I can volunteer for another portion


  1. Katlyn, have you created the website yet?

  2. I know none of us have done it yet

  3. If she hasn't I can try to create it. Please let me know.

  4. I volunteer to use a common design through out the website, use the same font, font size, placement of images, and alignment of everything.

  5. I volunteer to include the page that has our project that we have been working towards

  6. I can also post our final team website. Also, katlyn did you happen to resubmit our story board with the updates. I only ask because I wasnt 100% on the topic or every lesson you did individually. Thanks!

  7. I am creating the website now, does anyone know what team name we used when we created our Google doc assignment because we are supposed to create our website with a different name!

  8. You just need to create a new one! It can be anything!

  9. I can do the wmu logo, the navigation bar, and finding an image with citation for each page.

  10. I think that covers everything, and of course is either of you have questions or need feedback/help feel free to ask in here! :)

  11. The

  12. I had not created it yet. So Meredith thank you for doing that.
    It looks like we have everything covered from the list.

    Have any of you had practice creating websites before? I have once but am not all too familiar so I'm not sure how easy/hard that is going to be.


  14. I have never, I seriously have never done anything that has been assigned before this class!

  15. I just want to make sure you can access the website as far add and change things. Let me know if you can otherwise I better redo it.

  16. I just tried typing it and it gave an error.
    How are we to log into it?

  17. So I didnt realize I needed to make a brand new Google account, so our new website is Is this like the Google docs? I can't remember if I would need to give you the user name and password? If so the user name is:

    Password: Help2015

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I was able to sign in no problem as well.
    I'm going to go through and update the collaborative map this weekend. I will post on here for you guys to review prior to submitting the final one that is due on the 19th. Meredith sent me the updated story board so I should be able to make any changes necessary and then we can just review from there.

  20. I am finalizing the collaborative map tonight and will post on here once available.

    How are you guys doing with everything else? Any struggles, or help needed with anything?

    I can't believe we are ALMOST done.

  21. I am going to e-mail an updated list of who signed up for what. The only thing I see that was not signed up for was the "collaborative podcast", Chelsea I was wondering if you could do this since I believe you submitted ours when the assignment was originally due?

    The other one was:
    • web site evaluation (links of web sites review, description - "be sure that they placed within the descriptions on each page of the web site in appropriate places" - I am a little confused on this, I get that we need to list all of our web sites that we evaluated with an short description but are we supposed to make this a section of our website or determine what sections we should put each one on based off of what they are about? What are your guys thoughts?

    *do you guys know what we are suppose to do for this? I am not sure I am reading more into this than necessary and that's why or not.*

  22. I guess plug them in where we see fit. Are we supposed to each put our own up or is that just one person's job?

  23. Shouldn't our lesson plans and digital story be highlighted once we put them on our website so we can click on each link ? Mine are not.

  24. When I type our URL in for our website, I also get an error. How is anyone going to be able access this????

  25. NEVERMIND, I messed up...go figure the URL is

    I confused it when I made our first one in which I didn't realize I needed to make a new gmail account! SORRY!

  26. Yeah I can post the podcast I think..if I can find it!?

  27. I am getting everything we have done all mixed up in my head :P

  28. Also Katlyn, and updated list would be wonderful!!

  29. I'm having some issues uploading the updated collaborative map via my laptop. I'm going to try and do it on my lunch break at work today... fingers crossed it will work.
    Chelsea - I will update you as taking care of the podcast and send out an updated list so everyone knows what they are to work on.

    Meredith - I have not tried posting or updating anything on the website, but I would assume that they should be highlighted so you can access them. I am not very familiar with building a website via Google as I used a different website previously... I'll try and take a look and see if I can provide any help :/

  30. I added a good chunk of information today. Also I was able to embed the google map and added the pen pals doc.

    Do you guys still have questions on anything? I also on the home page wrote about how to make the links work correctly :)

  31. Also Katlyn, how is the concept map going?

  32. I am going to e-mail the concept map to both of you right now. If you could both review and just let me know if you would like anything changed or updated, etc. It is kind of hard to see if I post it on here so I think the e-mail is going to be the easiest.


  33. were you both able to open and view the updated collaborative map?
    Do I need to change or update anything?


  34. Chelsea - Just got your messages and saw your changes to the collaborative map.
    Meredith - Were you able to review and make any changes?

    I can wait a little bit more if need be otherwise I think we have covered everything necessary on it.

  35. Everything looks like it is starting to come together with the website. I just finished a HUGE project for my other class so I will be working to add my information, and come up with my new information to add as well.

    Let me know if any of you have questions. Thanks!
