Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Collaborative Podcast

Hey girls,

Just wondering what aspects we wanted to include in our script for our podcast? I didn't know if you girls wanted to include what is given in the example, why we are using PBL,  what has been done thus far, and where are we headed (big project)? Let me know as I know we have time, but I would really like to get this project going as I know the 2nd week for the project is spring break and I have a lot going on as I am sure you do as well!

Week 7 Podcasts

Just wondering do either of you have experience with this?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 6 - Copyright Fair Use & Assistive Technology Papers

Good evening!

Hope you all had a nice weekend.  Just checking in and to see if you are having a hard time writing on these topics.  I am struggling writing enough on the copyright topic, currently I have about a page and 1/3...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 5/ Lesson Plan

Hello~ This week I am definitely starting this earlier than normal since it takes some time and planning..

I know we are to look at our concept map to get our ideas flowing on what our lesson plans should be about..

I was looking at the web dealing with writing the play

There's  1. technical elements 2. Literary Elements 3. Performance elements

We could each do one of those?

If so I would enjoy doing the literary elements..how to break that down further exactly to create a lesson plan will be the hard part but I think this is a good way to go about it..


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Google Doc Assignment


Google Maps


Once our students have completed their internal group work, and interacted with their Virtual Pen-Pals as described in our Google Docs we will have students collaboratively create a Google Maps of the famous playwrights of the plays they discovered.  Each student will select a playwright and find the following information to document on the Google Map:
  1. Playwrights full name
  2. Where they were born (this will be their pinned location on the map)
  3. How many plays they wrote
  4. What is the one play they are most known for
  5. 3 facts about the playwright you learned
This inquiry project will further students knowledge about playwrights and see that a famous playwright can come from anywhere. Further urging them to see the importance of playwrights and how where they came from may have influenced their plays.  One our class has completed their Google Map they will then post and share this with their Virtual Pen Pals and vise versa.  Following the postings they will compare their findings to see what new playwrights their Virtual Pen Pals may have found and see what additional information they may have found on playwrights they also documented on their Google Map.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Google Doc


So I have sent you two an email to share the google doc so we can get started on brainstorming!

Does anyone have any ideas on what type of assignment we want to do to demonstrate Cultural Understanding and Global Awareness that pertains to our topic?

One location I figured might be one to consider is London, England as theatre was and I am sure still is a important part of their culture. We could always compare an English playwright and script to an American playwright and script. Just an idea.