Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 5/ Lesson Plan

Hello~ This week I am definitely starting this earlier than normal since it takes some time and planning..

I know we are to look at our concept map to get our ideas flowing on what our lesson plans should be about..

I was looking at the web dealing with writing the play

There's  1. technical elements 2. Literary Elements 3. Performance elements

We could each do one of those?

If so I would enjoy doing the literary elements..how to break that down further exactly to create a lesson plan will be the hard part but I think this is a good way to go about it..



  1. and actually those are probably too broad, as I am looking within literary elements it can go a lot of ways. I might look at plot structure or story organization

  2. Story organization would be a great one to write a lesson on.
    I think I would like to focus for my lesson on performance elements, specifically; speaking, acting, non-verbal expressions, etc.

  3. K, I will take technical elements then. :)

  4. What are you having your students create in your lessons?

    Mine are creating a poster of the plot structure of a narrative that they wrote.. She said she doesnt want us creating the same end products so just checking in!

  5. I won't have mine create a poster. Also, under objective she wants us for our second goal list objectives followed by a list of statements of what students will do which are measurable. Is she referring to the bloom's taxonomy objectives ?

  6. My student's will be making a movie for their project.

  7. For Michigan standards, which subject are you using and are we sticking with 5th grade?

  8. Have you taken a look at her example under resources. I think this will help clear up your questions!

    And yes for mine I have some that apply to both 5th and 6th so I included both.

  9. My student's are putting on short skits
    Utilizing drama & reading for subjects and 5th grade

  10. Rather than do a skit, I had my students create a Prezi graphic organizer.
    Hope both of your lesson plans are going/went well.
