Sunday, April 5, 2015

Team Website

Since I was behind on the last assignment, thought I would get a jumpstart on the next one.  I've listed out all of the things we need to do for the web site and figured the ones that would just need to be completed by 1 person we could each volunteer for.  If you guys would like to handle in another way please let me know I am completely open to suggestions.

What is needed:
1) sign-up for a team account - let me know if anyone has done so otherwise I can do this immediately so it is one last thing for us to worry about and I will post the URL address once available.
2) final concept map - currently I am unable to open the file that was sent for the storyboard, but if it can be shared through another format or resent I can update the concept map to match the storyboard.
3) description of team web site - from our teacher:"Most of the projects created in this semester will be attached to our Team Web Site."  "Remember, the target for this web site is for teachers.  It will contain information and resources on how to implement project-based learning, walking students through the process of a specific project.  The web site should be developed in a clear, logical way with activities, examples, etc."  Mainly I got from this not to just list out our projects on our website but it needs to flow in a logical way that a teacher could follow.  I feel like this should be easy to meet as long as we follow the instructions.
4) items required that we have already completed
  • each lesson plan (1 and 2) - once this section is created on the web page each group member should be able to post their own following the directions.
  • each digital story - this could be done each individually, or if one of us would like to volunteer to put all three on here since they had to be posted on e-learning.  Let me know your thoughts on how you would like to post.
  • collaborative podcast - I'm not sure if it would be easier to have whomever submitted the final one to the teacher to do, but please share your thoughts.
  • link to collaborative blog (also needs a short description of what it is about) - anyone want to volunteer for this? If neither of you would like to do I can do this no problem.
  • web site evaluation (links of web sites review, description - "be sure that they placed within the descriptions on each page of the web site in appropriate places" - I am a little confused on this, I get that we need to list all of our web sites that we evaluated with an short description but are we supposed to make this a section of our website or determine what sections we should put each one on based off of what they are about?  What are your guys thoughts?
5) New Items Required:
  • opening page must contain standards the web site meets (Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations and ISTE: National Educational Technology Standards for Students: The Next Generation) - these standards are for the whole web site (not just lesson plans) I will volunteer to work on
  • each web page needs to contain an image - Who would like to work on this? (please note she does state they need appropriate copyright/ownership notices - you can "click on the link that Google Sites give you and use the web site where it was found by them.  You can cite the image by clicking on the image that you inserted into the page and changing the link to the URL where you found the image")
  • Navigational bar needs to be organized in the order it should be viewed - I feel like the mock one that Meredith posted in the previous blog was organized and in order sufficiently, but who would like to finalize and work on this?
  • use a common design throughout the web site, use the same font, font size, placement of the images, alignment of everything If we can just list what font, font size, placement, alignment here we can agree easily.
  • Western Michigan University logo, must appear at the bottom of the 1st page (not on any other pages) Who would like to do?
  • include the page that has the project your team has been working towards, what this semester has been leading up to - we have stated our general idea but I'm a little confused is this suppose to be a whole page on its own?  What are your guys thoughts?  Who would like to write this up formally?
  • at least 2 web pages per student member (6 minimum for us), this is to be determined from the storyboard so if we can get to view this we would then each need to state what 2 web pages we would like to work on
    • each web page must have 1-2 new items of information (description & links to 1-2 other web site with more information)
    • create one original item (lesson plan, podcast, etc.) - do you all know if this is different then "1-2 new items of information", I'm a little confused...?
    • each page must contain the name of the student that created it, a linked e-mail address (either team email or single team members email)
  • opening page: description of information found on web site (talk about project-based learning and the big project) who would like to do this? Since I am looking up the standards and that is to be posted on the opening page I can do this unless someone else would like too.
  • each team member must find at least 3 additional web sites (teaching resources, lesson plans, interactive web site resources - needs a description and plugged in appropriate places) individual work, but we should list here so we don't duplicate
  • REVISED COLLABORATIVE CONCEPT MAP - (PART B), must be posted on blog by 11:59 p.m. April 19th - since I already volunteered to do this earlier I will do this
  • POSTING URL FOR FINAL TEAM WEB SITE (can only be submitted for grading once) (PART C), must be complete and posted by 11:59 p.m. April 26th who would like to do this?

For a Key anything highlighted in:
YELLOW = someone needs to volunteer to work on
BLUE = individual work (some we may need to post on here so we don't duplicate one another)
GREEN = I have volunteered to do these items, unless someone else would like to do so I can volunteer for another portion

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Storyboards - Brainstorm

We have to brainstorm what ALL student will need to know in order to do our end goal which is to write and put on a play. So this is where we start then we will add in what we already do have.

Also we must submit this by FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!

Its really going to be difficult to finish this if you dont contribute and add to the blog everyday.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


To assist in developing a great web site, your group will start by creating a storyboard of your whole project-based learning project.

1. The first thing you need to do is to brainstorm everything that students would need to learn to complete the project from start to finish.

2. Once you have this figured out, then you will decide on your web pages (2 per person) + Home page + Standards page. > Then we figure out what goes on each web page.

SO! Lets brainstorm and start here?

Can we also list all the lesson plan titles&Goal/topics, and digital stories were about so we know what kind of information we already have.

I have done a lesson plan on
1. Generating and Organizing Ideas for Story Writing
Goal: Students will gain an understanding of the plot structure of a story and use this information later to identify the plot structures of a playwright

2. Favorite Broadway Musical Data Collection
Goal: Students will gain an understanding of data collection and the use of Excel to record data. (we all basically had this goal)

My digital story was on "How to write a play" - Steps/Elements to include when creating a play

We had Virtual Penn Pals from arts school in the U.S.

Used Google Maps to gain global awareness and understanding of where plays have been written in the past

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Digital Story Topics

What three topics do we want to teach in more detail through a digital story?

It also says it is to be a video before a lesson plan is given, so it'd be important to keep this in mind.

I had an idea of doing an in depth explanation of the literary elements of story and talking about how to create a beginning middle and end of a play.

Another could be about the genres and how they differ when it comes to a play

Another could be about Scenery and how important visual elements are to play

...... just throwing out some ideas?? Thoughts?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Revisions for CONCEPT MAP

Instructor: Be sure to save it as an image and insert the image into the posting on your group blog. ***Someone different (than the person who submitted the first one) in your group needs to submit it.

Katlyn I believe you said you would do this correct?

We can discuss the changes here and I can send you my log in information for so you can copy it to submit it in the blog.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Lesson Plan 2 & 2nd Concept Map

Hope you all had a good spring break!

Just wondering if either of you have had a chance to look into the "data collection" lesson plan?  This should be interesting to relate to our project, do any of you have ideas?  I just started brainstorming and have the following:

Also, the "revised" concept map I think we have a few things each of us could add and expand onto the original.  How would you all like to compile that information?  I can update and re-submit this if you would like, just let me know.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Collaborative Podcast

Hey girls,

Just wondering what aspects we wanted to include in our script for our podcast? I didn't know if you girls wanted to include what is given in the example, why we are using PBL,  what has been done thus far, and where are we headed (big project)? Let me know as I know we have time, but I would really like to get this project going as I know the 2nd week for the project is spring break and I have a lot going on as I am sure you do as well!

Week 7 Podcasts

Just wondering do either of you have experience with this?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 6 - Copyright Fair Use & Assistive Technology Papers

Good evening!

Hope you all had a nice weekend.  Just checking in and to see if you are having a hard time writing on these topics.  I am struggling writing enough on the copyright topic, currently I have about a page and 1/3...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 5/ Lesson Plan

Hello~ This week I am definitely starting this earlier than normal since it takes some time and planning..

I know we are to look at our concept map to get our ideas flowing on what our lesson plans should be about..

I was looking at the web dealing with writing the play

There's  1. technical elements 2. Literary Elements 3. Performance elements

We could each do one of those?

If so I would enjoy doing the literary to break that down further exactly to create a lesson plan will be the hard part but I think this is a good way to go about it..


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Google Doc Assignment

Google Maps

Once our students have completed their internal group work, and interacted with their Virtual Pen-Pals as described in our Google Docs we will have students collaboratively create a Google Maps of the famous playwrights of the plays they discovered.  Each student will select a playwright and find the following information to document on the Google Map:
  1. Playwrights full name
  2. Where they were born (this will be their pinned location on the map)
  3. How many plays they wrote
  4. What is the one play they are most known for
  5. 3 facts about the playwright you learned
This inquiry project will further students knowledge about playwrights and see that a famous playwright can come from anywhere. Further urging them to see the importance of playwrights and how where they came from may have influenced their plays.  One our class has completed their Google Map they will then post and share this with their Virtual Pen Pals and vise versa.  Following the postings they will compare their findings to see what new playwrights their Virtual Pen Pals may have found and see what additional information they may have found on playwrights they also documented on their Google Map.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Google Doc


So I have sent you two an email to share the google doc so we can get started on brainstorming!

Does anyone have any ideas on what type of assignment we want to do to demonstrate Cultural Understanding and Global Awareness that pertains to our topic?

One location I figured might be one to consider is London, England as theatre was and I am sure still is a important part of their culture. We could always compare an English playwright and script to an American playwright and script. Just an idea.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hey girls,

Have any of you thought about the 3 websites you would like to evaluate? I am going to figure out my 3 and let you know in case it is one of yours. If that is the case, I will find another one to evaluate.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Concept Map

Concept Map has been created if you ladies would look at it and sign in with that information I emailed you then you can give me some feedback and add anything you think fits!

I think it is looking pretty good :)


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Putting on the play

I love your ideas for the how to write a play concept map, we should also have a bubble for what to and how to put on the play

Ideas include:

Date and time
Extras (helpers/volunteers)
How do we get people to hear about it?

I think we are fairly set on a very simple and basic idea of what our concept needs to be and of course we can refine the next round.

All we need to know now is who is going to fill out the concept map and what program do we use for the mapping.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to get started and what to possibly include

I researched what exactly we may need and want to include when it comes to writing a play as I have never written one before.  Some are pretty obvious, but there are a few terms that I just learned about.  They include the following:
-Stage Directions: messages from the playwright to the actors, technicians, and others in the theatre telling them what to do and how to do it.
-Biography: Characters life story that a playwright creates.
-Dramatic Action:an explanation of what the characters are trying to do.
-Beat: a smaller section of a scene, divided where a shift in emotion or topic occurs.
-Plot: the structure of a play, including exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement.
-Exposition: the beginning part of a plot that provides important background information.
-Rising Action:the middle part of a plot, consisting of complications and discoveries that create conflict.
-Climax:the turning point in a plot.

I have been brainstorming a little, but may have one or maybe to decent ideas.